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Saturday, April 23, 2011

And here we go again...

Well, it’s been more than a month since my last post when I told you all that I’d be getting a week off to hopefully do some reviews and then be able to post them, but unfortunately life is unforgiving. Shortly after I posted that promise to write more reviews, I was informed that I will be relocating with my family to another state later this year, as my father accepted a job there, having been unemployed for a little while now. This has turned everything upside down here of course, as we now have loads of things to worry about that have to take priority over things like reviewing little plastic men. But fear not though, as I still want to be able to write these reviews when I get the chance, because I hope to reward any of you that may be out there reading this for doing so. My solution to the problem is this: since I don’t have as much time to do reviews as I would like, what with classes, searching for work, and getting ready to move, I can’t do single figure reviews, but, in order to still get the reviews out there, I figured I can do Wave reviews, since I’ve basically been picking up the “entire Wave” when new ones are being released, simply due to the fact that I love all of the new stuff that is coming out of The Vintage Collection. As I get farther back into the archives of stuff, there will be holes unfortunately, as my focus was pretty narrow at some points, which I regret greatly now, but that leaves more fun things to be desired out of this hobby. 

So, to recap:
             - Reviews WILL continue, in a slightly less in-depth fashion
             - Instead of individual figure reviews, for the time being I will be posting Wave reviews, giving you guys the rundown on which figures really stand out and shine amongst the others

Also, one more thing to mention, the series that I kept going back and forth on is starting to pick up steam again, so when I get some time to do some work on it, I’ll post some pics or info about it on here to let you know what’s coming. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to make sure I let you guys know where I’m at for the time being. Thanks for sticking through this, and look forward to new stuff soon.

- The Toy Collector