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Sunday, March 20, 2011


I want to sincerely apologize for the complete lack of updates over the past month or so. When I began writing these reviews, it was always my intention to post on a regular basis, and I haven't been doing that recently, which bothers me. I've just had so much going on here that I've been dealing with that I've had to prioritize my time, and unfortunately that's meant not posting on here while I work on other things. The good news is however, I have a good week-long break from school coming up soon, which means I should be able to write up a bunch of reviews so that I can have a stockpile to draw from and post them on a weekly basis. As for the video reviews, I think I'm going to have to wait a little while and figure out what's going on here in my personal life before I can fully commit to those, but I do still hope to be able to put those together so that I can complete my "review experience" if you will. So anyways, just wanted to let you guys know I haven't abandoned this page, I've just been quite busy, and I'm hoping to get back to regular updates real soon.

SW Collector